Legal Notice

In compliance with Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, the following is the identification data of the company that owns the domain:

  • Company Name: Explotación Apartamentos Balcón del Mar, S.L.
  • CIF: B35477165
  • Registered Address: Calle Reina Sofia, 23, tias, 35572, Palmas (Las)
  • Telephone: +34 928 51 37 25
  • Email:

The user is solely responsible for their use of the services,
contents, links and hypertext included in this website.
La Isla y El Mar’ is not responsible for the
illegitimate use that third parties may make of the aforementioned material.

Neither ‘La Isla y El Mar’ nor any other party
involved in the creation, production or supply of this website will be
liable for direct damages, costs, losses or liabilities nor
indirect or punitive unforeseen events that may occur due to access or use
of this website.

La Isla y El Mar’ does not guarantee accuracy
of the material contained on this website. In addition,
La Isla y El Mar’ will not be responsible for the
damage or viruses that may infect your computer or other property
due to the use or access to download of any material from the website.


All audiovisual material, trademarks or any element subject to
intellectual or industrial property included in this website is the property of
La Isla y El Mar’ or has sufficient right
for use. The reproduction of the aforementioned material is only
permitted if it is for personal use, and any
unauthorised modification, copying, rental, lending, transmission and dissemination is strictly prohibited.


La Isla y El Mar’ informs you that all personal data
received through any form on this website will be
treated with the strictest confidentiality in accordance with the company’s privacy
and security policies, as well as with Organic Law 15/1999,
of 13 December, on the Protection of Personal Data. These data will be
included in a file, which is registered in the General Registry of
the Data Protection Agency. The main purpose of its creation,
existence and maintenance is the processing of personal data
in order to be able to manage accommodation bookings made
through this website or for sending promotional communications. The
recipients of the information are all the persons assigned, registered,
holders and collaborators of all departments and associated entities in which
the entity is organised, as well as the official bodies that by law require
the transfer of data. By submitting the form, the sender consents
to the automated and documentary processing of the data included
in our database. We inform you that we may share some of your
personal data with third parties and that they may contact you by e-mail
for issues related to your stay, for example, knowing your satisfaction or
to get feedback on your hotel experience. You have the right to
access, rectify and cancel your data as well as to communicate any
alteration or modification they may undergo. To exercise these
rights, you may send an email to: